varhandle - Functions for Robust Variable Handling
Variables are the fundamental parts of each programming language but handling them efficiently might be frustrating for programmers. This package contains some functions to help user (especially data explorers) to make more sense of their variables and take the most out of variables and hardware resources. These functions are written and crafted since 2014 with years of experience in statistical data analysis on high-dimensional data, and for each of them there was a need. Functions in this package are supposed to be efficient and easy to use, hence they will be frequently updated to make them more convenient.
Last updated 1 years ago
6.18 score 6 dependents 572 scripts 2.9k downloadssivs - Stable Iterative Variable Selection
An iterative feature selection method (manuscript submitted) that internally utilizes various Machine Learning methods that have embedded feature reduction in order to shrink down the feature space into a small and yet robust set.
Last updated 16 days ago
4.60 score 4 stars 316 downloads